Happy New-Creation Year!

May You Dance Free And Know True Abundance!
As I step into the huge potential of 2020, i bring to you a process that truly empowers those ready for change! In this four-week course, everyone will dive into partnership with higher realms of support to create and anchor the next version of themselves. Each participant will gain clarity about anything that holds them back, and feel a new level of being supported and confident.
"Fierce Creatrix" is an archetype within you, defined by you!
We will be diving down to discover your creatrix archetype and how it informs your purpose, identity and choices. It's about being the driver of your transformative process with lots of support.
Open the multidimensional gateway to your creative powers!
Using flower essences, we will explore the usefulness of expansion during shamanic journeying. As new clarity and intentions crystallize, you will align with what you strongly want and deeply need in a very organic way.
Please email me if you are interested in being part of this course!
I am looking forward to seeing you soon! All my best, Bobbi
What: Fierce Creatrix Course
Where: New Castle, NH - In a residential setting on the bay that is designed for group work. (Address given upon registration) When:Tuesdays, Jan 14 & 21st and Feb 11 & 18th; Snow date is March 10th
Time: 6:30- 9pm Fee: $240 Register here Contact: Bobbi Courtney Call/text 978-609-0497 aurainfusions@gmail.com
Bobbi Courtney, MSW, CFEP, author, Holistic psychotherapist and group facilitator. Bobbi is a somatic integrative therapist through the Center for Somatic Psychology at Weinacht, Switzerland. As a certified flower essence therapist with extensive shamanic training and experience, Bobbi brings passion and wisdom from all of these domains to her integrative coursework. Classes provide personal and evolutionary support. Bobbi is the creator of Aura Infusions, and has a private practice in Amesbury,MA.