Aura InfusionsTM
Are aromatic sprays formulated with pure plant, gem and botanical oil extracts,that saturate the energy field. Each aura infusion is carefully harmonized to bring specific qualities and assistance to you. Change your state of mind and change your life!
Aura Infusions are fragrant aromatherapy infusion sprays formulated with pure plant, gem and botanical oil extracts, that saturate the energy field. Each aura infusion is carefully harmonized to bring specific qualities and assistance to the individual. Aura Infusions are vibrational formulas that saturate your energy field and balance your consciousness. We use only the best available ingredients for our formulations from the most reputable suppliers.
We have pure, organic, sustainable essential oils and aromatherapy products. As you explore the world of fragrances extracted from flowers, leaves, roots, seeds, and woods you will gain an appreciation and better understanding of the healing benefits. To place an order, please visit our SHOP or CONTACT US and we can talk about the perfect custom infusion for you.