
Awake in the dream
Who am I and what on Earth am I doing here?
Join us for wisdom sharing and journeying with essences.
Where: Prasada Yoga Center, 18 Lafayette Rd. North Hampton, NH
When: Sunday, December 2nd, 11 - 1:30
Fee: $45 Register by Nov.29th and save $5
Immerse in the Medicine of the Soul. We will explore perspectives
from Edgar Cayce and others that help us stir from the “Maya” illusion.
We will apply the principles of lucid dreaming to your everyday life so you can know yourself as the one who creates the dream. We’ll also work with spiritual tools to “alchemize” the challenges you face.
Bobbi Courtney, MSW, is a somatic-psychotherapist, certified flower essence practitioner and owner of Aura Infusions. She is well known for her expertise and experience with integrating flower essence treatment into psychotherapy sessions and therapeutic group-work, known as "Evolution Awakeshops." With 20 years experience using an integrative approach to transformation, Bobbi assists with conscious evolutionary support. BobbiCourtney.com Ph: 978-609-0497 email Bobbi
Tuesdays, May 22, 29, & June 5, 2018
Crystalline Body Awakeshop:
Working With Light Consciousness in Everyday Life
New Castle, NH, Fee $180
This experiential course supports you to recalibrate to the incoming crystalline consciousness and use it to move forward in your life. We will learn about psycho-spiritual empowerment through partnering with crystals, sound, breath, light, plant and gem elixirs
If you have always loved crystals, or just getting acquainted, we will be journeying with them in interesting ways to assist you with evolving, healing, and feeling a more expanded intuition and deeper sense of who you are. During this time of quickening on the planet, we will use these universal bridges to access and anchor the crystalline nature that is already available in your DNA and bones.
We will journey with expansive essences, inviting more of your your light-body out of the shadows and engaging experientially with higher dimensional perspective.
Yes, Reserve My Seat!
Please pre-register, as space is limited to limited to 10 participants.
Questions: Call Bobbi at 978-609-0497 or email aurainfusions@gmail.com
Your Facilitator: Bobbi Courtney, MSW, certified essence practitioner, shaman, somatic integrative psychotherapist. Bobbi has provided group work and private sessions for over two decades.
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Sunday, May 20, 2018
Navigating with Your Emotional GPS
An experiential workshop with Bobbi Courtney, MSW, psychotherapist, shaman
Sunday, May 20 from 12:00 - 2:30 p.m.
At Anastasia's Health Happenings, 110 Haverhill Rd., Bldg C, Suite 342, Amesbury, MA 01913
Fee: $60
We will immerse ourselves in some key concepts related to how the evolution of consciousness is affecting your life and how to make use of it. You will have the opportunity to be assisted by gem/flower essences to explore a deeper focus of attention. By Being receptive and interactive with the imagery that shows up, there is an opening to potent qualities and ways of feeling supported that can be applied to areas of concern in your life.
Tune into the brilliance of what your emotions and deep intuition are really trying to tell you
Discover aspects of yourself that have been waiting for your attention
Experience how journeying with essences helps you to reflect emerging insights back into your conscious awareness
Learn to work with perception to bring more choice into your life
Yes, Reserve My Seat!
Please pre-register, as space is limited to limited to 10 participants.
Questions: Call Bobbi at 978-609-0497 or email aurainfusions@gmail.com
Your Facilitator: Bobbi Courtney, MSW, author, psychotherapist and group facilitator is a certified flower essence therapist who has extensive shamanic and somatic integrative training. Bobbi is the creator of Aura Infusions with a private practice in Amesbury, MA.
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Friday, July 28, 2017
An Afternoon and Evening of Experiential Inquiry and Connection
Learning to surf and ride many kinds of waves
In this retreat workshop we will talk about our oceanic origins and experience resonant sound, breath, water, potent space and shifting relationship with gravity. We will engage with and be informed by the fullness of our ability to create and shift form. Expanded consciousness unfolds cellular memory of ancient primordial imprints that hold the keys to unlock and assist our current evolutionary process.
What will emerge from within the recesses your ancient memory?
We have evolved as part of the inextricable fabric of cosmic and Gaia rhythm. When we give permission to our intrinsic capacity to be in open attention and evolve, we connect with a dance of intelligent life unfolding into the next evolutionary phase.
We will create together a context to expand our movement vocabulary and increase the potential for nourishment on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
When Friday, July 28
Time: 1- 7:30 pm
Where: New Castle, NH
Invest: $95
CLICK HERE for printable flyer
Questions or Contact:
Bobbi @978-609-0497 or aurainfusions@gmail.com
Please use this link to register PayPal.Me/BobbiCourtney/95
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Tuesday, April 18 &25, May 9 & 16, 2017
When we gather to explore the art of awakening, we become ambassadors of light - Bobbi Courtney, MSW, shaman
As we evolve, we are no longer satisfied with living a life that is based on what we see in front of us. The dissonance begs us to come to the fire. There we become naturally receptive to evolving and begin to burn the light of consciousness into our personal and collective beliefs and limitations. Join us as we warm up the frozen parts of ourselves in the Journey of our group bonfire!
In this 4 week experiential group we will use flower essences for journeying. We will offer up old paradigm "problems" (perceptions) and ask for guidance and support to:
Bring your higher self into its active awake state for personal and collective healing
Invoke the decree of your inner flame as a self-organizing principle in your life
Amplify the fires of life force, inspiring and reclaiming forgotten parts of you
Offer up adversity, stress and conflict to the fire as catalysts for transformation
When: Tuesdays, April 18 & 25, May 9&16
Time: 6:30-9pm
Where: Comfortable home setting in Newcastle, NH
Investment: $200 (earlybird/ registered by April 9 is $180)
Bobbi Courtney978-609-0497 aurainfusions@gmail.com
CLICK HERE for printable flyer
For more information CLICK HERE to go to my blog
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Feeling Sound
Join us for a sound bath journey with vibrational practitioner
Christina Meriah and shaman Bobbi Courtney. You will receive a balancing tuning and be guided to connect with your deeper awareness
In this workshop you will:
Explore evocative sound that moves within and around you animating your shamanic journey.
Experience power plant essences to bring clarity while connecting to your inner landscape of attention.
Come to embrace, connect, discover, share and anchor your awakening wisdom and truths.
When Sunday, March 26th
Time: 2 -4:00 pm
Where: Divine Paradigm Center, 58b Macy st., Amesbury ma (purple door behind Unity on the River)
Invest: $55
Bring: water bottle, blanket, mat and journal
Bobbi 978-609-0497 aurainfusions@gmail.com
Christina 508-250-5157 iammeriah@yahoo.com
Check out our latest BLOG "Sound Bath Shamanic Journey
November 15, 2016
an evening to empower flow in your life with Bobbi Courtney, MSW, Shaman
In this workshop you will:
Journey with flower essences that promote your natural propensity to feel and BE connected at a higher level
Transcend the realm of fear, worry, heaviness
Re-calibrate in accordance with your light body
Flow with the PURPOSE of pleasure in your life as a principle of clarity and direction
Expand awareness to hold more life potency
Cultivate nourishment and sustainability from within
Embrace the wisdom of making choices based on what feels good
When Tuesday evening, November 15th
Time: 6:30 -9pm
Where: Comfortable home setting in Newcastle, NH
Invest: $50
Contact Bobbi: 978-609-0497
email: aurainfusions@gmail.com
CLICK HERE for flyer
Check out our latest BLOG "Decompress and Shift Into Light Consciousness
October 11, 18 & 25
Join us for 3 Tuesday evenings in an experiential class where we will journey into reflective reality with flower essences for insight and transformation.
When Tuesday evenings, October 11, 18, 25
Time: 6:30 -9pm
Where: Comfortable home setting in Newcastle, NH
Cost: $150
Contact Bobbi: 978-609-0497
CLICK HERE for flyer
Why the parts of yourself that seem to be absent are never really gone
How relationships are messages from ourselves
How to work with the self perception mirror to bring more choices into your life
How to use your emotional mirror to guide you and create more happiness
July – 3 Week group
Using Flower Essence Journeying To Dive Into
The Potent Field That Connects Everything
Travel the landscape of your own potential and wholeness with your guides.
Learn 3 keys for unlocking the forces of manifestation from the "universe" within.
Understand and co-create synchronicity within the unified field.
Receive assistance from your guides to connect with 5 synergistic qualities that
shift your desires from possibility into probability. -
Become more permeable to intelligent light impulses that are here to support you.
When: Wednesdays, July 27, Aug 3, Aug 10th
Time: 6:30 -9pm
Where: Comfortable home setting in Newcastle, NH
Cost: $150
Contact: Bobbi Courtney
Phone: 978-609-0497
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June — 3 Week group
Heart Truth: Igniting The Power Of Your Divine Self
A five week inquiry into understanding the power of your heart and the
language that willconnect you to the field of all possibilities. We will use
flower essences and journeying to experience:
The most powerful magnetic force that you were born with but
weren't taught its language -
Being in harmony with your evolution
Illuminate and identify with the power and gifts of your true nature
Choosing your vibration by creating your state of mind
Reviving ancient understanding of the nature of manifestation
Claiming the truths of your intuition
Uncovering the wisdom of your of your wounds and the blessings
of your misfortunes -
Tapping into your hero within
Learn how to use your heart to create your reality!
When: Wednesdays, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Time: 6:30-9pm
Where: Carol's in Newcastle, NH
Cost: $250 ($225 if registered by May 25th)
Contact: Bobbi Courtney
Phone: 978-609-0497
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May 18 —Class
Quantum Jumping with Flower Essence Journeying
Assimilate yourself into realities that offer you the chance to integrate new aspects of yourself and qualities, such as confidence, abundance and skills that you desire. On Wednesday May 18 from 6-8:30 in Newburyport I am offering a group experience where we will be exploring journeying with light work essences and quantum jumping. The cost is $25. If you would like to know more, you can email me at aurainfusions@gmail.com.
When: Wednesday, May 18th
Time: 6– 8:30 pm
Where: Newburyport
Cost: $25
Contact: Bobbi Courtney
Phone: 978-609-0497
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April/May—6 week group
Upcoming six week group exploring shamanic journeying with flower essences!
Deep Change with Bobbi Courtney, MSW
Tune Into How Your Unique Intuition Works To Get Answers and
Create A Fuller, Happier & More Abundant Life
We will use flower/gem infusions and deep journeying to:
Upgrade your energy system and attract synchronistic flow in your life (Path of Heart).
Disengage from the fear-based paradigm and activate the "aware dream" of light consciousness.
Using gem and flower infusions, you will re-calibrate your bio-electrical system to hold higher energies, intentions and perceptions.
Journey to access intuition through your visceral wisdom and by working with your guides.
Learn to work with the secrets of your ally.
Learn how to empower your choices .
Understand your gifts and worthiness from the perspective of your totem animals.
Where: Newcastle, NH
When: 6 Tuesday evenings, from , April 12, 19, May 3, 10, 17, 24
Time: 6:30-8:30
Cost: $150 ($125 if registered and paid by April 8th)
Contact: Bobbi Courtney
Phone: 978-609-0497

"I am very grateful for Bobbi's unique process. I had been told by several psychics that I was a writer, yet writing never resonated with me. Several weeks into participating in Bobbi's journeying group classes, my inner writer emerged. I had no idea she lived deeply buried within me! Working with Bobbi helped create space for this hidden aspect of me to come forth in a very powerful and rapid manner. I am now a professional writer. Thank you Bobbi for helping me discover the writer within me! "
Kelly Lyn Marquis, PHA AKC RHP, Life/Business Coach, Winall Coaching Services
"I have attended two of Bobbi Courtney's groups and it has been an enlightening experience. I really enjoy listening to Bobbi's stories and profound explanations about the work we are doing, which is so calming and yet, invigoratingly exciting. There is so much to learn from our dream worlds and Bobbi has the talent and patience to "walk" with us as we journey and learn with the use of flower essences, that enhance the experience. The world is a-changing--and it will be for the better with the help of light workers like Bobbi Courtney." ~Jean M., Rochester, NH.

" I did spiritual guided journeys with a group of woman, and could not believe the information that has helped me. Things that I have been working for years with to no avail. Many years of pain, and frustrations that came to light for me. Forgiveness was something that was out of reach, and the reason was never in sight. Because of her help and unwavering care for helping people, which is very special, I have made progress and feel at peace with many things that seemed impossible. ~Linda, NH

I started doing imagery work with Bobbi Courtney last September of 2015. In the first journey I was very exciting and nervous at the same time. Bobbi was very gentle, and patient with the group, taking care of our needs, so we could feel safe.
My first experience was wonderful with some great insights to my life and my future. I liked that I could connect in a way I hadn’t done before and was able to come back from the journey easily.
I continued to do this work with Bobbi as I have found it to help me to heal old past wounds, with hope for the future. She is very gentle, she knows her material very well, and works hard at making the people in the groups feel safe.
I have learned a lot since the work, and love using the essences as they have helped me heal, and grow, and to let go of a lot of past pain. I recommend working with Bobbi very much.~ Paula G. Portsmouth, NH
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