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Soul Vision at Flote July 24th, 6:30-9

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How does your soul talk with you?

Join us for wisdom sharing, self inquiry and journeying with essences. We’ll use this time to explore how our life issues are playing out in the context of soul purpose and talk about how authenticity gets blocked by shadow. Also, we’ll take a fresh look at how shadow and challenge are tools. Using these tools, we shift our relationship with personal power and we can rewrite our story.

Where: Flote - 845 Lafayette Blvd, Hampton NH When: Wednesday, July 24th 6:30-9pm Fee: $45 / $40 early pay before July 21 Contact: Bobbi (978) 609-0497

Bobbi Courtney MSW, CFEP author, psychotherapist and group facilitator is a somatic integrative therapist through the Center for Somatic Psychology. As a certified flower essence therapist with extensive shamanic training and experience, Bobbi brings passion and wisdom from all of these domains to her integrative coursework. The group work process is intended to provide personal and evolutionary support. Bobbi is the creator of Aura Infusions, and has a private practice in Amesbury, MA.

Bobbi Courtney
Supporting you to realize your evolving self.
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