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Co-Creating The Healing Vortex - Sunday, Nov. 4th at the Divine Paradigm Center

Healing Vortex

With Bobbi Courtney, MSW

Supporting The Momentum of Wholeness

This gathering is for anyone interested in using a shamanic perspective for moving forward on the path as it sometimes offers us it's thorns. Grief, loss and overwhelm have been playing out in our lives during these quickening times. This Evolutionary Awakeshop explores "alchemizing hardship" to extract the hidden promise of wholeness that loss and challenge hold. The healing Vortex that we create inside ourselves, our lives and in the group energy helps us transform the feeling that something has been taken away, to a feeling of “wholeness-momentum”. We will be journeying with flower essences to access the soul’s medicine.

Where: Divine Paradigm Center 58 Macy St., 6b, Amesbury, MA (Behind Unity on the River Spiritual Center--Purple Door)

When: Sunday, Nov. 4th from 4pm to 6:30

Fee: $45

Bobbi Courtney, MSW, is a somatic-psychotherapist, certified flower essence practitioner and owner of Aura Infusions. She is well known for her expertise and experience with integrating flower essence treatment into psychotherapy sessions and therapeutic group-work, known as "Evolution Awakeshops." With 20 years experience using an integrative approach to transformation, Bobbi assists with conscious evolutionary Ph: 978-609-0497 email Bobbi

Bobbi Courtney
Supporting you to realize your evolving self.
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