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Coming to The Fire

When we gather to explore the art of awakening, we become ambassadors of light.

As we evolve, we are no longer satisfied with living a life that is based on what we see in front of us. The dissonance begs us to come to the fire. There we become naturally receptive to evolving and begin to burn the light of consciousness into our personal and collective beliefs and limitations. Join us as we thaw the frozen parts of ourselves in the Journey of our group bonfire!

In this 4 week experiential group we will use flower essences for journeying. We will offer up old paradigm "problems" (perceptions) and ask for guidance and support to:

~Bring your higher self into its active awake state for personal and collective healing

~ Invoke the decree of your inner flame as a self-organizing principle in your life

~ Ignite the fires of life force, inspiring and reclaiming forgotten parts of you

~ Offer up adversity, stress and conflict to the fire as catalysts for transformation

When: Tuesdays, April 18 & 25, May 9&16 from 6:30-9pm

Where:: Comfortable home setting in Newcastle, NH

Investment: $200

Contact Bobbi Courtney email: p.978-609-0497

Bobbi Courtney, MSW , psychotherapist, is a certified flower essence therapist who has extensive shamanic training including certification through the national institute of visualization research. Bobbi is the founder of Essence of Life Therapy and the creator of Aura Infusions . She has a private practice in Amesbury.

Bobbi Courtney
Supporting you to realize your evolving self.
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